Our approach
At Ellgia Limited we are driven to deliver the highest levels of environmental performance for ourselves, our customers, our suppliers and the communities in which we live and work.

We approach each customer with the same methodology; that each waste producer has a unique set of circumstances, and the solution design is bespoke to their needs. We apply the principles of the waste hierarchy from minimisation to recovery to ensure each customer can achieve the highest levels of environmental performance and value for money.
We will use established practices and procedures to deliver a flexible, compliant, and evolutionary service that is focused on improvement.
We believe that service quality is driven by partnership and the need for improvements in global environmental performance ensuring that Ellgia deliver a service that fits with every customer today but can evolve in the future.
Our approach is to proactively engage with our customers by providing clear, accurate and real-time data on contract performance that enables the partnership to continually develop targeted improvements based on real information and track past success and set future goals.
Our depots and sales teams are happy to discuss opportunities for evolving services using real time service completion statistics to determine performance baselines and improvement potentials.
IT Platform – Service Delivery
A service you can count on, and continuous improvement is forefront of our service ethos. We will provide access to real-time data and management information which will allow us and the customer to identify, validate, and agree actions that will improve efficiency and service delivery, and ultimately improve environmental and operational performance.
Our market leading waste management system is next-generation ERP waste management & recycling software enabling end-to-end management of all waste collections. This system is at the heart of our ability to offer an approach of evolving services. Through the self-management portal, it offers access to real time data, delivers true transparency and visibility, and provides comfort and control to customers.
As a leading waste and recycling service provider, we recognise the growing impact we have on the environment and reducing carbon footprint is at the forefront of all current and future developments.
As a business we continue to strive towards turning all waste, where possible, into a resource. Through our network of permitted transfer station and processing facilities we can offer ‘Zero waste to landfill’ solutions and bespoke services to meet the needs of our customers.
Our network of fully permitted waste processing sites offers tailored waste solutions and “cradle to grave” comfort for all waste arisings. From the smallest and simplest waste disposal requirement to complex multi-site services, Ellgia are committed to our customers and the planet as we continue to maximise our waste recycling and reuse efficiencies.

Want to find out more?
A dedicated member of our team is ready to help you.